NaNoWriMo,  On Writing,  Short Stories

Bits of writing challenge

My short stories are proceeding at hiccup pace.

I can’t make enough time to devote to writing, even though some scenes are so clear and organized in my mind that they only await to be written.

I guess that’s part of the game, not to have enough time and energy to do everything; but the struggle brings in more fun, I guess, and so I’m up for the challenge.

And we’re talking short stories here; I wonder what I’m gonna do with the NaNoWriMo contest in November.

That’s going to be an even bigger challenge.

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Booklover. Hobby artist. Author of the Rolamaton the Robocity webseries. Also author of short stories and novels for upcoming publication. Countryside demigirl who works as an artisan in her daily life. Currently in a happy relationship. Come say hi on Twitter @dospetti and Instagram @liabooklover