On Writing,  Short Stories

Thanks, Writer’s Market!

I bought the Writer’s Market 2009 book on eBay a few weeks ago. I only recently got it in the mail.

Do I need to mention how big a help this book is revealing to be?

Aside from magazines that accept freelance writers, I found at least a hundred publishers for short stories, Sci-Fi novels and novellas that accept online submissions. Manna from Heaven!

I don’t care the book is a 2009 edition. I understand the need for update, as new publishers are born every year, but I can get the updates from the Web version (which I’m going to subscribe to on January/February 2012): all I could afford NOW was the 2009 edition, which is packed with a lot of good advice and great publishers anyway. I’m looking up a few this week.

Short Stories Update

Between articles and reviews, I use a ten minutes of my day, every day, to continue my short stories.

I’m a few pages from the end of Evergreen, and I’m developing a plot for the InTheSnake.com short story mag.

Also, my recent visit to Canon.ca inspired a short-short story (a short story that’s less than 1,000 words) about a little robot that was designed to be a portable camera —yes, it was a Canon camera to inspire that.

I’m considering to join a good community for writers, like MyWritersCircle.com or Writing.com. I love both. Any advice?

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Booklover. Hobby artist. Author of the Rolamaton the Robocity webseries. Also author of short stories and novels for upcoming publication. Countryside demigirl who works as an artisan in her daily life. Currently in a happy relationship. Come say hi on Twitter @dospetti and Instagram @liabooklover

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