I bought the Writer’s Market 2009 book on eBay a few weeks ago. I only recently got it in the mail.
Do I need to mention how big a help this book is revealing to be?
Aside from magazines that accept freelance writers, I found at least a hundred publishers for short stories, Sci-Fi novels and novellas that accept online submissions. Manna from Heaven!
I don’t care the book is a 2009 edition. I understand the need for update, as new publishers are born every year, but I can get the updates from the Web version (which I’m going to subscribe to on January/February 2012): all I could afford NOW was the 2009 edition, which is packed with a lot of good advice and great publishers anyway. I’m looking up a few this week.
Short Stories Update
Between articles and reviews, I use a ten minutes of my day, every day, to continue my short stories.
I’m a few pages from the end of Evergreen, and I’m developing a plot for the InTheSnake.com short story mag.
Also, my recent visit to Canon.ca inspired a short-short story (a short story that’s less than 1,000 words) about a little robot that was designed to be a portable camera —yes, it was a Canon camera to inspire that.
I’m considering to join a good community for writers, like MyWritersCircle.com or Writing.com. I love both. Any advice?